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Sharing Tox ID's
Some of the ways to share Tox ID's and their benefits and drawbacks. This is an attempt to address the different things that can come into play when initially authenticating a Tox user.
In Person, Manual Verification
In this scenario, 2 people with Tox ID's meet in person, and exchange the ID's in front of each other, enter the ID's manually, and send a test message. This is equivalent to manually verifying a fingerprint in OTR.
Using Tox: URI's to ease entering Tox ID's, Manual Out-Of-Channel Verification
In this scenario, a user creates a Tox: URI which is used to help fill out the Add Friend form. The security of this method depends on the security of the method used to transfer the Tox: URI. See Also.
Using ToxDNS Services to ease entering Tox ID's
ToxDNS services provide an email-like username that can be looked up and will correspond with a Tox ID. These might be difficult to verify, but the meeting in person with the other party and sending a test message can show that messages are going to the intended recipient at that particular moment. See Also.