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XwinTox is an experimental Tox client, developed by IRIXuser

Maintainers: sagem
Language: C, C++, Forth
Graphical Toolkit: FLTK
Operating Systems: Illumos, FreeBSD, Linux, OS X


XwinTox can trace its history to a jovial comment made in 2014 by IRIXuser about creating a Tox client called Toxaemia using the Motif graphical toolkit. This was never realised, of course.

Later, Tox developers began discussing the necessity of a 'synchronisation' model for maintaining (at a minimum) one's contact list across several installations of Tox. IRIXuser prepared a whitepaper detailing one possible solution: a server which would act as a proxy to Tox, so to speak, multiple clients accessing it at separate times or even in parallel while the server facilitated their sharing of a single contacts list and connection model.

A year later, in 2015, IRIXuser began work to realise the design which the whitepaper had put forward. Development began on the 9th of June with the laying of groundwork for the unique process mode, where libToxCore communicaton was in a process other than that which hosted the GUI, and where SunRPC served as the method of the intercommunication between the two processes.

Just one week on from the project's inception, it became possible to send and receive messages and to send friend requests. On the 20th of June, XwinTox DR1 was released; a day later, DR2 was released, which added groupchat support.

The limitations of the seperated-process model also became clear as several releases of XwinTox quickly appeared; after identifying the faults in the model, XwinTox Frameworks 2 was designed, which introduced a radically modular model for the seperation of core, GUI, and Tox core communication. Implementation of XwinTox Frameworks 2 began on the 6th of July.

XwinTox running on Solaris


Features that are unique to your client, or make your client stand out, should go here


Installation instructions go here


Any usage information goes here

Other clients

The following is a list of some other Tox clients that you may be interested in using.

Popular Tox clients
qTox µTox Toxic Toxygen aTox Antidote