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ratox ratox is a client implementation of the rather popular tox protocol. Unlike other clients relying on GUIs as an interface to the user, ratox is developed with the UNIX-philosophy in mind and allows complete interaction through named pipes.
Repository: | |
Maintainers: | 2430 |
Language: | C |
Operating Systems: | Linux, OSX |
1 v 1 messaging: Yes File transfer: Yes Group chat: No Audio: Yes Video: No DNS discovery: No Chat logs: Yes Proxy support: Yes Offline message: Yes Offline transfers: Yes Contact aliases: No Contact blocking: No Save file encryption: Yes Multilingual: No Multiprofile: Yes Typing notification: No Audio notifications: No Emoticons: No Spell check: No Desktop sharing: No Inline images: No File resuming: No Read receipts: No Message splitting: Yes Changing nospam: Yes toxi URI: No
NOTE: Some of these features are not intended to be developed in ratox itself but rather in external scripts[1] that are built upon ratox.
An old, but possibly still useful way of using ratox, catox
SSH over TOX for the practical paranoid
On the sender side (the client): 1) cd into the friend's directory (the server) 2) nc -lv 1234 > file_in < file_out
On the receiver side (the server): 1) cd into the friend's directory (the client) 2) cat < file_out | nc localhost 22 > file_in
Now on the client run the following: ssh -o ProxyCommand=“nc %h 1234” user@localhost
Screencasting using ffmpeg and mplayer
On the sender side: ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 10 -s 1366×768 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 \
- pix_fmt yuv420p -preset fast -tune zerolatency -b:v 500k \
- f flv pipe: > file_in
On the receiver side: mplayer -cache 1024 file_out
You may have to play about with the cache size.