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users:techfaq [2018/02/22 02:34] – Link to TokTok toxcore nurupousers:techfaq [2020/05/23 17:04] (current) – fix link skeleton1
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   * When you are referring to the Tox protocol or in general, you are talking about Tox.   * When you are referring to the Tox protocol or in general, you are talking about Tox.
   * When you are referring to the Tox program itself, you are talking about the Tox core, usually written as toxcore (see the [[https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore| Git]])   * When you are referring to the Tox program itself, you are talking about the Tox core, usually written as toxcore (see the [[https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore| Git]])
-  * When you are referring to one of the clients, you should mention the name of the client instead of 'Tox' or 'toxcore', such as [[clients:Toxic]] or [[clients:qTox]] (see [[Clients]])+  * When you are referring to one of the clients, you should mention the name of the client instead of 'Tox' or 'toxcore', such as [[clients:Toxic]] or [[clients:qTox]] (see [[:clients]])