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users:sharing_ids [2018/03/15 19:02] – ToxDNS has been phased out nurupousers:sharing_ids [2020/07/16 18:55] (current) – [Sharing Tox IDs] skeleton1
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-===== Sharing Tox ID'=====+===== Sharing Tox IDs =====
 **WARNING:** If you are looking for shorter and more memorable IDs, remember that the **relation between any kind of names and Tox IDs is neither protected nor ensured** by the Tox protocol. By the nature of name services you put full trust into unverified third party data and also get that data over a different, insecure protocol. The safest way to share your Tox ID is by giving your Tox ID directly over a secure channel. **WARNING:** If you are looking for shorter and more memorable IDs, remember that the **relation between any kind of names and Tox IDs is neither protected nor ensured** by the Tox protocol. By the nature of name services you put full trust into unverified third party data and also get that data over a different, insecure protocol. The safest way to share your Tox ID is by giving your Tox ID directly over a secure channel.
-__The only reliable registry with names of your contacts is your personal contact list__. To make it safe you also __must set your own__ permanent labels (names/aliases) on the contacts in the list. __The ability of contacts to freely change their display names in your contact list is totally insecure__. At least some clients offer unsafe contact list as the defaultthis looks innocent but is a serious security flaw.+__The only reliable registry with names of your contacts is your personal contact list__. To make it safe you should also __set your own__ permanent labels (names/aliases) on the contacts in the list. In the absence of other, unchangeable means to identify the contact (e.g. [[toxid#public_key|public key]], identicon, chat history), the ability of contacts to freely change their display names in your contact list is __totally insecure__. Fortunately, most clients allow viewing a contact's public keywhich cannot be fabricated, or have other means to identify the contact by.
-Below are some of the ways to share Tox ID'and their benefits and drawbacks. This is an attempt to address the different things that can come into play when initially authenticating a Tox user.+Below are some of the ways to share Tox IDs and their benefits and drawbacks. This is an attempt to address the different things that can come into play when initially authenticating a Tox user.
 ==== In Person, Manual Verification ==== ==== In Person, Manual Verification ====
-In this scenario, 2 people with Tox ID'meet in person (or using any other secure channel), and exchange the ID'in front of each other, enter the ID'manually, and send a test message. This is equivalent to manually verifying a fingerprint in OTR.+In this scenario, 2 people with Tox IDs meet in person (or using any other secure channel), and exchange the IDs in front of each other, enter the IDs manually, and send a test message. This is equivalent to manually verifying a fingerprint in OTR.
 ==== Using Tox URIs to ease entering Tox IDs, Manual Out-Of-Channel Verification ==== ==== Using Tox URIs to ease entering Tox IDs, Manual Out-Of-Channel Verification ====