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users:howtos [2020/06/22 15:04] – [How Tos] remove dead ToxDNS link, minor fixes skeleton1users:howtos [2020/07/16 18:58] (current) – [Community Howtos] minor consistency fix skeleton1
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 [[https://github.com/JFreegman/ToxBot | Toxbot Readme]] [[https://github.com/JFreegman/ToxBot | Toxbot Readme]]
-**Why to:** Tox GroupBots are able to automatically invite users to group chats, allowing for groups of people to connect and communicate using the GroupBot to host the chat without necessarily pre-sharing their Tox ID's. Essentially, it makes it possible to meet strangers through Tox. It's educational? Because you might feel like it? For fun?+**Why to:** Tox GroupBots are able to automatically invite users to group chats, allowing for groups of people to connect and communicate using the GroupBot to host the chat without necessarily pre-sharing their Tox IDs. Essentially, it makes it possible to meet strangers through Tox. It's educational? Because you might feel like it? For fun?