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users:faq [2015/09/07 15:53] – moved technical FAQ to it's own page, some of Future of Tox is going to go there soon too. cmotcusers:faq [2020/06/07 23:42] (current) – [Does Tox have plugin support?] note about Toxygen, and a disclaimer skeleton1
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 ===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== ===== Frequently Asked Questions =====
-see also [[users:techfaq]]+see also [[users:techfaq | Technical FAQ]] 
 ==== Warning! ==== ==== Warning! ====
 Tox is by no means complete. You may encounter bugs ranging from simple visual defects to segfaults on file shares. We cannot guarantee what works today will work tomorrow; Tox is an alpha program and code changes daily. Certain commits may break existing APIs, and we strive to give proper advanced warning to all client developers, etc. when such changes will be made. Additionally, Tox has not yet received a full security audit. **While we believe Tox is secure against attackers who want to decrypt your messages, you may wish to use a more established solution if you are in a life-or-death situation.** Tox is by no means complete. You may encounter bugs ranging from simple visual defects to segfaults on file shares. We cannot guarantee what works today will work tomorrow; Tox is an alpha program and code changes daily. Certain commits may break existing APIs, and we strive to give proper advanced warning to all client developers, etc. when such changes will be made. Additionally, Tox has not yet received a full security audit. **While we believe Tox is secure against attackers who want to decrypt your messages, you may wish to use a more established solution if you are in a life-or-death situation.**
- +===== What is Tox? =====
-===== What is Tox? (Simple) =====+
 Tox is a free (as in liberty and price) peer to peer, distributed, multimedia messenger. Tox is a free (as in liberty and price) peer to peer, distributed, multimedia messenger.
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 Tox's goal is to get secure messaging in the hands of everyone because we feel it's necessary in a world where our privacy is often overlooked; which means our efforts are free of charge with absolutely no strings attached. There are no advertisements; you are not the product and absolutely no data is collected from our users. We are here for altruistic purposes, which is why we rely on the community to help us make Tox better.  Tox's goal is to get secure messaging in the hands of everyone because we feel it's necessary in a world where our privacy is often overlooked; which means our efforts are free of charge with absolutely no strings attached. There are no advertisements; you are not the product and absolutely no data is collected from our users. We are here for altruistic purposes, which is why we rely on the community to help us make Tox better. 
 +==== Tox ====
-===== What is Tox? (Advanced) ===== +==== Where can I get Tox? ====
- +
-Tox provides an [[users:FAQ#Encryption|encrypted]], distributed, and extensible peer-to-peer platform that can be used for various forms of communication. We intend Tox to be used as a multimedia messenger, but many people have shown us that Tox can be used for a lot more than just instant messaging. For the sake of simplicity, the rest of this page will explain how Tox operates as its intended use. +
- +
-Tox users are connected by a modified version of [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table | DHT]], and bootstrap nodes are used to assist connections to the pool. The hash table consists of each Tox ID and an encrypted entry of each users' IP, which is only readable when a friend request is made with a proper Tox ID, including the nospam. When a user friends another user, their IPs are exchanged in order to facilitate a direct connection. Once a handshake occurs, a connection is established, and users converse through a crypto stream. +
- +
-It consists of a [[https://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore| core]], and a number of [[users:clients]]. +
- +
-Tox is just the core, the part of the program which handles the messages and encryption, for instance. But it can only function in the context of a complete instant messaging program. All the fancy user interfaces you see all over the place, are the clients. The client is a separate program which utilizes the core, providing a convenient way to use the program. So when you use Tox, you are in fact using one of the clients. The most clients are graphical clients, in other words, you will make use of all kinds of graphical elements which are part of the client. You usually won't get to see the core (unless you look into the source on GitHub). There are various clients available which each have a different name, are independent from each-other, in various programming languages. +
- +
-For example, file sharing and A/V (audio and video) are handled by the core, but the (for example!) pop-ups, per-person volume sliding bars, friends list etc, buttons etc. are all handled by the client. +
- +
-  * When you are referring to the Tox protocol or in general, you are talking about Tox. +
-  * When you are referring to the Tox program itself, you are talking about the Tox core, usually written as toxcore (see the [[https://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore| Git]]) +
-  * When you are referring to one of the clients, you should mention the name of the client instead of 'Tox' or 'toxcore', such as [[clients:Toxic]] or [[clients:qTox]] (see [[Clients]]) +
- +
-===== Tox ===== +
- +
-==== Non-technical ==== +
- +
-=== Where can I get Tox? ===+
 It's not done yet, but we're open source, so you can try out our current working version at any time! Remember that it is very likely Tox will have bugs or missing features. Please read the [[users:faq#warning |warning ​the top of this page]] before you begin. It's not done yet, but we're open source, so you can try out our current working version at any time! Remember that it is very likely Tox will have bugs or missing features. Please read the [[users:faq#warning |warning ​the top of this page]] before you begin.
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 If you want to contribute to Tox, or prefer to compile your own, check out [[FAQ#Source]]. If you want to contribute to Tox, or prefer to compile your own, check out [[FAQ#Source]].
-=== How does Tox Protect My Privacy? === +==== How does Tox Protect My Privacy? ==== 
-Tox protects your privacy by removing the need to rely on central authorities to provide messenger services, concealing your identity(In the form of meta-data, your IP address) from people who are not your authorized friends, enforcing Off-The-Record Messaging as the default and only mode of operation for all messages, and by making your identity impossible to forge without stealing your personal private key on your own computer.+Tox protects your privacy by removing the need to rely on central authorities, concealing your social graph, enforcing end-to-end encryption (with perfect forward secrecy) as the default and only mode of communication, and by making your identity impossible to forge without possessing your personal private key, which never leaves your device.
-=== How do I add Someone? ===+==== How do I add Someone? ====
 Look in the profile or settings panel of your client to get your Tox ID which should look something like: 56A1ADE4B65B86BCD51CC73E2CD4E542179F47959FE3E0E21B4B0ACDADE51855D34D34D37CB5 Look in the profile or settings panel of your client to get your Tox ID which should look something like: 56A1ADE4B65B86BCD51CC73E2CD4E542179F47959FE3E0E21B4B0ACDADE51855D34D34D37CB5
-Give yours to your friend and get your friend to add it. That's it. Additionally, if you want a shorter more memorable ID, you can use a [[users:toxdns|ToxDNS]] service.+Give yours to your friend and get your friend to add it. That's it.
-=== What happens when I remove someone? ===+If you want a shorter more memorable ID, be sure to read and understand the [[users:sharing_ids|WARNING]]. 
 +There are various possibilities like ToxMe which make the contact easier - unfortunately at the unavoidable price of lost protection. Even if you decide to trust the service owner, you still access highly unreliable data supplied by third parties. You may call a contact via a name service and recognize his/her face on the screen but you will __not__ know whether someone else is participating in your conversation behind the scenes. In other words, you lose the confidentiality which Tox otherwise offers. 
 +The same applies to sharing/getting the Tox IDs via mail or web pages (https is somewhat better). If you want to embed a link to your Tox ID on a web page or in your email signature, check out [[users:toxlinks| Tox: URIs]]. Go [[users:sharing_ids|here]] for more general information on sharing ID's. 
 +==== What happens when I remove someone? ====
 If you remove someone, they will see you go offline, as if you closed client normally. They can't communicate with you any longer until you add them to your friend list again. If you remove someone, they will see you go offline, as if you closed client normally. They can't communicate with you any longer until you add them to your friend list again.
-=== Does Tox have plugin support? === +==== Does Tox have plugin support? ==== 
-Currently Tox does not support plugins, though this feature may be added later on. +Currently, the only Tox client that supports plugins is [[clients:toxygen|Toxygen]]. HoweverToxygen is not as well-maintained as the popular clients, and its development is currently stalled
- +==== Does Tox leak my IP address? ====
-=== Does Tox leak my IP address? ===+
 Tox makes no attempt to cloak your IP address when communicating with other users, as the whole point of peer-to-peer is to connect you directly to your friends. A workaround does exist in the form of [[users:Tox over Tor (ToT)|tunneling your Tox connections through Tor]]. However, a user cannot uncover another user's IP address using only a Tox ID to find the user in the DHT, the IP address will only be discernible when the users become "friends." [[https://gist.github.com/irungentoo/cb0a9b07131e95be1e64|1]] Tox makes no attempt to cloak your IP address when communicating with other users, as the whole point of peer-to-peer is to connect you directly to your friends. A workaround does exist in the form of [[users:Tox over Tor (ToT)|tunneling your Tox connections through Tor]]. However, a user cannot uncover another user's IP address using only a Tox ID to find the user in the DHT, the IP address will only be discernible when the users become "friends." [[https://gist.github.com/irungentoo/cb0a9b07131e95be1e64|1]]
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 ==== Multiple devices ==== ==== Multiple devices ====
-Yes, it'planned. +Support for multiple devices is planned. More info about possible ways it could be implemented [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1op6zGR0KYdF7tTWSSX79KQieJu30vLZ6XG327kIBhxQ/edit#On this Google Doc]], it could use a little help please try to add anything you can to it! Including questions.
-More info about possible ways it could be implemented [[https://github.com/Quoturnix/ProjectTox-Core/wiki/Multiple-deviceshere]].+
 === Can I move profile across devices manually? === === Can I move profile across devices manually? ===
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 [[users:Import_Export| Import / Export]] [[users:Import_Export| Import / Export]]
-==== Persistent groupchats ==== +==== New groupchats ==== 
-Persistent groupchats are being developed as part of the groupchat overhaul which is being undertaken primarily by Jfreegman. The work is nearing completion and the github branch can be found [[https://github.com/JFreegman/toxcore/tree/new_groupchats|here.]]+New DHT-based groupchats are being developed as part of [[ https://github.com/toktok/c-toxcore | c-toxcore]]. This will allow joining groupchats using a ToxID and implementations of new groupchat features. 
 ==== Real Offline Messaging ==== ==== Real Offline Messaging ====
-YepPlanned: [[GSoC/2015/Ideas#Offline_messaging| GSoC 2015 Offline messaging]]+Offline messages are plannedFor an explanation of the issues involved in Offline Messaging, go [[users:Offline_Messaging| here]]. For ideas about how it will be implemented go here. [[developers:gsoc:2015:ideas#offline_messaging| GSoC 2015 Offline Messaging]]
 ==== Video conferences ==== ==== Video conferences ====
-Yep. There is still missing a proper design of interface for it, so if you think that you could contribute one, please do so ;-)+Yep. There is still missing a proper design of interface for it, so if you think that you could contribute one, [[users:contributing#i_want_to_contribute_in_ui_designsound| please do so]] ;-)
 ===== Source ===== ===== Source =====
- +For more information about compiling Tox from source, see the [[users:techfaq#sourceTechnical FAQ]]
-==== Where do I get the Tox source code? ==== +
-The core library: https://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore +
- +
-==== How do I compile Tox? ==== +
-Check out the instructions found in [[http://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore/blob/master/INSTALL.mdINSTALL.md]] in the root of the toxcore repository.+
 ===== Community ===== ===== Community =====