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developers:gsoc:general_information [2016/02/19 07:05] nurupodevelopers:gsoc:general_information [2019/01/07 22:17] (current) – [Student information] Update student guide link nurupo
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 ====== General Google Summer of Code Information ====== ====== General Google Summer of Code Information ======
-See also: **[[developers:gsoc:2016:ideas|Ideas for GSoC 2016 (still a work in progress)]]**, [[developers:gsoc:2015:ideas|2015]], [[developers:gsoc:2014:ideas|2014]].+See also: **[[developers:gsoc:2016:ideas|Ideas for GSoC 2016]]**, [[developers:gsoc:2015:ideas|2015]], [[developers:gsoc:2014:ideas|2014]].
 Tox, or Project Tox, is a FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software), distributed, and secure instant messaging application aimed to replace Skype. Tox's goal is to be an easy to use, all-in-one communication platform (including audio and video chats in the future) that ensures users' full privacy and secure message delivery. We seek adoption among everyone from the tech savvy to the tech uninclined, by dealing with the complicated stuff in our core library and providing attractive and intuitive interfaces for all sorts of platforms. Tox, or Project Tox, is a FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software), distributed, and secure instant messaging application aimed to replace Skype. Tox's goal is to be an easy to use, all-in-one communication platform (including audio and video chats in the future) that ensures users' full privacy and secure message delivery. We seek adoption among everyone from the tech savvy to the tech uninclined, by dealing with the complicated stuff in our core library and providing attractive and intuitive interfaces for all sorts of platforms.
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 Go over [[#Common information for all participants|Common information for all participants]]. Go over [[#Common information for all participants|Common information for all participants]].
-You might find it useful to read [[http://en.flossmanuals.net/GSoCStudentGuide/|GSoC Student Guide]].+You might find it useful to read [[https://google.github.io/gsocguides/student/|GSoC Student Guide]].
 ==== Expectations ==== ==== Expectations ====
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 **Don't stop on us**\\ **Don't stop on us**\\
-We get hundreds of proposals for just four or eight slots, so we advise you to send proposals to several organizations. This will increase your chance of being accepted in GSoC.+We get hundreds of proposals for just a few slots, so we advise you to send proposals to several organizations. This will increase your chance of being accepted in GSoC.
 ===== Mentor information ===== ===== Mentor information =====
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 Make sure you go over [[#Common information for all participants|Common information for all participants]]. Make sure you go over [[#Common information for all participants|Common information for all participants]].
-You might also find it useful to read [[http://en.flossmanuals.net/gsocmentoring/|GSoC Mentor Guide]].+You might also find it useful to read [[https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/|GSoC Mentor Guide]].
 <WRAP center round info 50%> <WRAP center round info 50%>
 This page uses [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons Licensed]] content from [[https://community.kde.org/GSoC|KDE Community Wiki]] ([[https://community.kde.org/index.php?title=GSoC&amp;action=history|view authors]]) This page uses [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons Licensed]] content from [[https://community.kde.org/GSoC|KDE Community Wiki]] ([[https://community.kde.org/index.php?title=GSoC&amp;action=history|view authors]])
 </WRAP> </WRAP>