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developers:gsoc:2015:ideas [2015/09/28 05:50] – Fixed URLs nurupodevelopers:gsoc:2015:ideas [2016/01/22 21:55] (current) – fixed mailto nurupo
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 **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]] **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]]
-===Multiple device support===+==== Multiple device support ====
 **Brief explanation**: Toxcore currently suffers from a number of serious issues when 2 Tox objects are used at once on the distributed network. Your task would be to research and implement secure ways of sharing data like secret keys, friends, and chats while making toxcore deal with the same peer having presence in multiple locations seamlessly. **Brief explanation**: Toxcore currently suffers from a number of serious issues when 2 Tox objects are used at once on the distributed network. Your task would be to research and implement secure ways of sharing data like secret keys, friends, and chats while making toxcore deal with the same peer having presence in multiple locations seamlessly.
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 **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]] **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]]
-===QXR0YWNrIHRoZSBUb3ggTmV0d29yayAK===+==== QXR0YWNrIHRoZSBUb3ggTmV0d29yayAK ====
 **Brief explanation**:  **Brief explanation**: 
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 <WRAP center round important 40%> <WRAP center round important 40%>
-**Important: please register on the [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tox4j|mailing list]] and send your questions to [[mailto:tox4j+gsoc@googlegroups.com|the GSoC address]].**+**Important: please register on the [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tox4j|mailing list]] and send your questions to [[tox4j+gsoc@googlegroups.com|the GSoC address]].**
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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   * User profiles: managing user profiles, user-specific settings (global settings like autostart are out of scope)   * User profiles: managing user profiles, user-specific settings (global settings like autostart are out of scope)
   * Chat logs: storage protocol, full text search, statistical data, ...   * Chat logs: storage protocol, full text search, statistical data, ...
-  * Protocol implementation for communication with toxdns services (e.g. toxme.se)+  * Protocol implementation for communication with toxdns services (e.g. toxme.io)
   * Custom Tox protocol extensions: e.g. location sharing, recommend friends, ...   * Custom Tox protocol extensions: e.g. location sharing, recommend friends, ...
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 **Difficulty**: Medium **Difficulty**: Medium
-**Mentor**: [[mailto:iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]+**Mentor**: [[iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]
 ==== New Android client ==== ==== New Android client ====
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 **Difficulty**: Medium **Difficulty**: Medium
-**Mentor**: [[mailto:iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]+**Mentor**: [[iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]
 ==== Implementation of a ToxCore mock ==== ==== Implementation of a ToxCore mock ====
Line 265: Line 265:
 **Difficulty**: Medium **Difficulty**: Medium
-**Mentor**: [[mailto:iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]+**Mentor**: [[iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]
 ===== qTox ===== ===== qTox =====