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developers:gsoc:2015:ideas [2015/07/26 20:06] – fixed link nurupodevelopers:gsoc:2015:ideas [2016/01/22 21:55] (current) – fixed mailto nurupo
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 **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]] **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]]
-===Multiple device support===+==== Multiple device support ====
 **Brief explanation**: Toxcore currently suffers from a number of serious issues when 2 Tox objects are used at once on the distributed network. Your task would be to research and implement secure ways of sharing data like secret keys, friends, and chats while making toxcore deal with the same peer having presence in multiple locations seamlessly. **Brief explanation**: Toxcore currently suffers from a number of serious issues when 2 Tox objects are used at once on the distributed network. Your task would be to research and implement secure ways of sharing data like secret keys, friends, and chats while making toxcore deal with the same peer having presence in multiple locations seamlessly.
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 **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]] **Mentor**: [[User:irungentoo|irungentoo]]
-===QXR0YWNrIHRoZSBUb3ggTmV0d29yayAK===+==== QXR0YWNrIHRoZSBUb3ggTmV0d29yayAK ====
 **Brief explanation**:  **Brief explanation**: 
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 <WRAP center round important 40%> <WRAP center round important 40%>
-**Important: please register on the [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tox4j|mailing list]] and send your questions to [[mailto:tox4j+gsoc@googlegroups.com|the GSoC address]].**+**Important: please register on the [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tox4j|mailing list]] and send your questions to [[tox4j+gsoc@googlegroups.com|the GSoC address]].**
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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   * We want to see that you put some thought into the project, you have a rough idea of what it entails, and that you understand the project idea written on this page. We have put a lot of thought into the idea, so we would like to see you spend some time thinking about it, as well. We do not want to see something that is essentially a copy of the idea, reworded a little.   * We want to see that you put some thought into the project, you have a rough idea of what it entails, and that you understand the project idea written on this page. We have put a lot of thought into the idea, so we would like to see you spend some time thinking about it, as well. We do not want to see something that is essentially a copy of the idea, reworded a little.
   * Don't write large amounts of text saying nothing with a lot of words. We're not a university, so we don't grade you based on word count. Be precise and to the point.   * Don't write large amounts of text saying nothing with a lot of words. We're not a university, so we don't grade you based on word count. Be precise and to the point.
-  * Structure your text with headings in bold. Preferably copy the wording from the [[developers:gsoc:gsoc|GSoC]] page. This makes it easier for us to compare the proposals. Use bullet lists if appropriate.+  * Structure your text with headings in bold. Preferably copy the wording from the [[developers:gsoc:general_information|GSoC]] page. This makes it easier for us to compare the proposals. Use bullet lists if appropriate.
   * Run a spelling checker. We don't mind if your English is not grammatically perfect, but running it through a spelling checker is the least you can do.   * Run a spelling checker. We don't mind if your English is not grammatically perfect, but running it through a spelling checker is the least you can do.
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   * User profiles: managing user profiles, user-specific settings (global settings like autostart are out of scope)   * User profiles: managing user profiles, user-specific settings (global settings like autostart are out of scope)
   * Chat logs: storage protocol, full text search, statistical data, ...   * Chat logs: storage protocol, full text search, statistical data, ...
-  * Protocol implementation for communication with toxdns services (e.g. toxme.se)+  * Protocol implementation for communication with toxdns services (e.g. toxme.io)
   * Custom Tox protocol extensions: e.g. location sharing, recommend friends, ...   * Custom Tox protocol extensions: e.g. location sharing, recommend friends, ...
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 **Difficulty**: Medium **Difficulty**: Medium
-**Mentor**: [[mailto:iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]+**Mentor**: [[iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]
 ==== New Android client ==== ==== New Android client ====
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 **Difficulty**: Medium **Difficulty**: Medium
-**Mentor**: [[mailto:iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]+**Mentor**: [[iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]
 ==== Implementation of a ToxCore mock ==== ==== Implementation of a ToxCore mock ====
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 **Difficulty**: Medium **Difficulty**: Medium
-**Mentor**: [[mailto:iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]+**Mentor**: [[iphydf@gmail.com|iphy]]
 ===== qTox ===== ===== qTox =====
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 Although that may seem like a lot for one student over the course of a summer, some progress is expected to be made between now and summer. Additionally, together with the following qTox project, there may well be two students working on qTox simultaneously. Although that may seem like a lot for one student over the course of a summer, some progress is expected to be made between now and summer. Additionally, together with the following qTox project, there may well be two students working on qTox simultaneously.
-**Proposals**: The ideas above are only a starting point for your proposal; after you review qTox and its code, you will likely have other things you think need to be fixed as well. Your proposal should specify what you intend to fix, drawing from both the ideas above and your own experience and opinions. In addition to the questions listed [[developers::gsoc:gsoc#Student_information|here]], I'd like you to answer the following questions:+**Proposals**: The ideas above are only a starting point for your proposal; after you review qTox and its code, you will likely have other things you think need to be fixed as well. Your proposal should specify what you intend to fix, drawing from both the ideas above and your own experience and opinions. In addition to the questions listed [[developers:gsoc:general_information#Student_information|here]], I'd like you to answer the following questions:
   * Are you familiar with Qt and C++? If so, please mention and link past work.   * Are you familiar with Qt and C++? If so, please mention and link past work.
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   * Implement video and audio capture for Windows and OS X   * Implement video and audio capture for Windows and OS X
-**References**: [[developers:gsoc:2015:ideas:audio_video_desktop_capting_library_specification|A work in progress specification of what the library should be able to do and what back-ends we'd like it to use]].+**References**: [[developers:gsoc:2015:ideas:audio_video_desktop_capture_library_specification|A work in progress specification of what the library should be able to do and what back-ends we'd like it to use]].
 **Knowledge Prerequisite**: C/C++, Obj-C. It's required to have at least two webcams, Windows 7 or newer and OS X 10.7 or newer. Knowledge of library development and familiarity with Windows API and OS X API are not required, but welcome. **Knowledge Prerequisite**: C/C++, Obj-C. It's required to have at least two webcams, Windows 7 or newer and OS X 10.7 or newer. Knowledge of library development and familiarity with Windows API and OS X API are not required, but welcome.