===== Clients ===== A **client** is a standalone project that implements a frontend (graphical or otherwise) to the p2p, encryption, and data sending facilities of the Tox core libraries. ===== List of all clients ===== Here is a list of clients available for testing and developing. Click an image to zoom in. ^ Name ^ Description ^ Screenshot ^ Operating System Support ^ | [[clients:Toxic]] | Ncurses-based CLI. Maintained by [[wiki:user:Jfreegman]]. | {{ users:toxic.png?400| Toxic }} | GNU/Linux / BSD / OS X | | [[clients:aTox]] | The reasonable Tox client for Android. | {{ users:atox.png?400| aTox }} | Android | | [[clients:TRIfA]] | TRIfA is a Tox client for Android | {{ users:trifa.png?400| TRIfA }} | Android | | [[clients:jTox]] | A client for Jolla/SailfishOS. | {{ users:jtox.jpg?250 | jTox }} | SailfishOS | | [[clients:Protox]] | A client for Android written in QML/C++. | {{ users:protox2.png?250 | Protox }} | Android | {{page>include:clients_features#features}} ===== See also ===== * [[include:clients_features#description-of-features| Client features]] * [[clients:inactive|Unmaintained clients]]